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CheckIns.app now allows patients to immediately rate their urgent care experience through a five-star rating scale.


Through our unique design, staff can resolve issues promptly and build your brand’s online reputation.

BOOTH 605 - Visit CheckIns.app April 7-9 @ 2019 UCA Urgent Care Convention and Expo

CheckIns is on the move. We have provided many new features in 2019 Q1. Please check below.

These 10 tips are a great starting point to improving your patient check-in experience, but no two medical practices are the same. The single most important step you can take to improve the patient check-in at your practice is to stay mindful. Spend some time in your waiting area and put yourself in the shoes of the patient. Take note of the little things like temperature and background noise. Simple gestures such as trickling water, soft music, and adjusting the temperature by a few degrees can be overlooked in the waiting area.

The CheckIns.app management system for both Apple and Android is a custom branded mobile patient check-in app for your center that allows for full customization to increase business efficiency. Schedule a demo and see how we can help streamline your patient flow process and improve your patient check-in experience.

Businesses and industries are increasingly competitive in bidding for their client’s attention.
People are inundated with choices daily, from food brands to healthcare providers, with a
seemingly infinite supply of options available to consumers. For a business to survive in this
climate, special care must be taken to attract and retain patients. Here are six ways you can retain
business and draw more clients to your medical practice.