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Visit CheckIns.app (Booth 605) April 7-9 @ 2019 UCA Urgent Care Convention and Expo

Our mission is to use technology to increase efficiency and decrease cost of the overall patient flow and satisfaction process and to use this to increase revenue for the Urgent Care Centers.

CheckIns.app solution has a check-in capability using Apple and Android mobile apps, Kiosk / iPad mode for self check-in, Website and front office check-in. We developed a unique way of managing check-ins using drag and drop from check-in to a room with a queueing system allowing customized checkin process per location to support Urgent, On Hold and Not at location with a check out process that has full analytics and visibility of the entire process. 

Some of the great features of CheckIns.app

Custom Branded App

Your personalized and branded app! Your colors, logo and customizations all managed through the CheckIns.app management system. Both Apple and Android app stores are supported.

Geo Location to Centers

Allows patients to see the nearest center location from their smartphone or mobile device. Mobile app gives current line queue and provides directions and phone number of the center. All center in the area are listed allowing the patient to choose based on location or line length.

Pre Check-In Demographics

Check-In process allows patients to save their demographic information for multiple family members so that they can check-in quickly. This saves time allowing the center to pre-check in the patient before they arrive.      

SMS and Email Notices

The app will track the current patient queue and let your patients know when it is time for them to come into the center. The queue length is adjustable to gauge patient flow during the day.

View Current Place in Line

Patients can use the app to see their current place in line at any time. As the line moves, their place in line moves up. They are notified when the center is ready for them to come in.

See more features here >>

Remove Me Feature

In some cases, the patient may have other obligations and cannot make it to the center. This option allows the patient to remove themselves from the queue in order for the center to serve other patients.

Patient Flow Diagnosed and Delivered

CheckIns.app supports the full patient flow process from the Check In, through Room Management, and the Check Out process while integration with your EMR system. Take a Tour... we would love to show you how it works.